Answering Service For Tax Season

Answering Service For Tax Season

Tax season is here, and your business needs help. 

So when it’s tax season, and your phone is ringing off the hook, what do you do?

It can be a little overwhelming. And scary. You need some help, but who can you trust? We’re here to answer that call!

Call Experts is a nationwide
answering service committed to giving you the support you need during tax season. Our highly trained experts are available 24/7, 365 days, to address all your accounting front desk needs.

With Call Experts, you don’t have to worry about the hassles of hiring and managing support staff. 

Instead, with our business answering services, your business gets a full-time industry expert who’ll work alongside your employees to provide support. And the support is felt. 

According to Zendesk, Nearly three out of five consumers report that good customer service is vital for feeling loyalty toward a brand. 

So, the result is twofold. First, your customers are happier. And second, you can enjoy more time to do what you do best: run your business.

But how does it all work? And how can it help your business? Keep reading to learn more.  

The Perfect Solution For Tax Season.

According to a recent study, “For 86% (of respondents), good customer service turns one-time clients into long-term brand champions.” And as an accountant and tax professional, it is essential to create brand champions, so they return for your services year over year. 

But, how exactly does an answering service support your business?

Provide Better Customer Service With 24/7 Availability During Tax Season.

Responsive, helpful customer service is one of the best ways to demonstrate the kind of care and dedication that clients are looking for in an accounting firm. But unfortunately, it’s also one of the most challenging aspects of running a business. How can you ensure that no call goes unanswered during tax season when your team is overwhelmed with deadlines and demands?

Providing supportive customer service is essential to your business thriving. According to Hubspot, 93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases with companies that offer excellent customer service.

An answering service for accountants can offer your clients the same high standard of customer service they’ve expected from you. With 24/7 availability and complete coverage, a tax preparer answering service ensures that there’s always someone ready to assist no matter what time it is or how busy your team is.

Invest In A Helpful Tool For Your Business.

According to eFile, “The IRS reported that as of December 2021, approximately 152,300,000 tax returns were e-filed for Tax Year 2020 out of a total of 169,098,000 2020 Returns filed. This is around the same number of 2019 Returns e-filed in 2020 (152,802,000).”

For tax professionals, it’s evident that the months leading up to April 15 are a whirlwind. An answering service for tax season can be such a helpful tool to have in your arsenal.

There are no two ways around it; tax season is simply one of the busiest times of the year for accountants and CPAs. And on top of the demands of your daily responsibilities, the last thing you want is to worry about is missing calls from potential customers. That’s where Call Experts come in. We provide customized administrative support for busy accountants and tax preparers.

An answering service for tax season can be a helpful tool in your arsenal. We offer the customer service support you need to keep your business running smoothly.

Our virtual receptionists are always available to help your callers when they need it most. When callers reach out to our answering service for accountants, they’ll be connected with one of our professional and personable receptionists. From there, they will be able to assist them in any way that you need.

Your clients need attention, but you may not have time to cover all their questions and concerns. Call Experts can take care of these issues without taking you away from what’s important.

You can focus on the day-to-day operation of your business while we make sure your clients are taken care of every time they call your business. This security and coverage will give you more time to take care of other things on your to-do list.

Make Your Clients Feel like a Priority During Tax Season.

When it comes to tax season, you’ve got enough on your plate without worrying whether or not your picking up your phone!

In the past, answering services were limited to taking messages for you and delivering them via a printed sheet of paper. But with Call Experts, you can enjoy a suite of features that will help you manage your office communications like never before.

A well-functioning answering service like Call Experts will help you stay focused on the most critical aspects of your business, like working with your clients. Through this work together, we can help you retain more customers. And according to Bain & Co, increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can increase profits by between 25% and 95%.

With a customizable platform designed to give you as much or as little oversight as possible, Call Experts has the tools to keep your business running smoothly.

You can view call analytics concerning how long calls last and when they occur. Or you can streamline your office communications by managing message and caller follow-ups in our secure online portal.

Contact us now if you are ready to invest in your customer service and support your customers

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